Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Martin Luther King Jr. Day & Selma...

To honor Martin Luther King Jr. yesterday, we watched Selma.

Oscar clean-up last year, is likely a movie you watched 12 months or longer ago. But this movie is worth a second viewing. I simply love this man; his devotion; his depth, his passion, his strength and his faith. What a great man of God and what a great human-being.

It is always a tough reminder to see the various struggles the then called, Negroes, went through to earn simple everyday rights which we as North Americans, now, so frequently take for granted. So much bloodshed and determination which fought for these rights.

Plan B, Cloud Eight, Celador, Pathe and Harpo Films – hat goes off to each of you. What a stunningly wonderful movie.

I realize this film's greatness is older news now, but in light of the holiday yesterday, I felt it was certainly worth a mention. An absolutely fabulous film. Worth another watch!!

Happy belated birthday, Martin and continued rest in peace.

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Leftovers - A Must SEE!!

Shocking, stunning, outrageous, stupendous: This show is inside of my head. 

If you haven't seen The Leftovers yet, you absolutely NEED to watch this television show!!

I just got off a first season binge and HOLY CRAP, this post-rapture-ish drama is blowing my mind. This is a serious MUST see; and if you already are on board, well, I’m so glad to have joined in. (Thank you Trevor Noah, for your interview with Regina King, November 5th, to tip me off about the program. Now, I am hooked.

Warning, not child friendly, so be ready for some

really over the top perspectives on a potential reality for the planet (mankind) which has been considered as possible for millennia. Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta, creators of this mysterious and exhilarating series drama, depict precisely what the world could be like in the event of a Sudden Departure…again, this will blow your mind!!

This certainly will become a thought-provoking cult classic, to be watched over and again.

Tune in to HBO or net streams for The Leftovers. You will never be the same…