Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve, peace, words

What if Christmas is gluttony and my generosity doesn't matter; guilt and Christmas are a little hand in hand; and then...

-- we're all waiting for Santa Claus to come or for little ones to fall asleep so that santa claus can come - and the family swishes around us like the ones we are glad we can see and the unknown ones still to follow.

Christmas is candles that fill rooms with the scent of vanilla melting. And food in the moments of coming in from outside back into the air where a roasted bird with a chest sewn full of seasoned bread melts into the vanilla melting like a burst of Christmas. And the little ones, so anxious for santa, or rather, the gifts under that tree. Ha. I love Christmas.

Peace and blessings to you all. 2014 approaches... bang it out . -- Loud.
Seasons Greetings. As in, Merry Christmas, yo.


Monday, December 16, 2013

12 Years a Slave

12 Years A Slave

Breathtaking, shocking stunning, amazing, horrifying, brilliant, riveting, how do you say? … Oscars, Oscars, Oscars!!!

Wow. Among other dazzlers on the cast set, Chiwetel Ejiofor’s  startling, yet not unexpectedly phenomenal performance as Solomon Northup  complements the high tide of talent including pristine producers, writer - John Ridley for screenplay and director – Steve McQueen.  Well done and Amen to, likely, the best picture of the year.

Knowing Plan B, Brad Pitt and Dede Gardner were involved in the film production of 12 Years a Slave, but NOT knowing Brad Pitt was on the cast, I was deliciously surprised and thrilled when he appeared as Bass with heroic, highly risky, anti-slavery talk of equality for all colors of skin. I am certain everyone watching this show applauded his bold human approach to the scenarios at hand.

Well done Brad and everyone who contributed to this outstanding film. Five out of five thumbs up.

Check out the Trailer: 
And then GO to THIS MOVIE!!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Audience of a Digital Format, by Hazel Hoyle
 hazel hoyle 
The world is changing.  

book cover About Phoenix StarTechnology has a device in the hands of every person aged 9 through 79 and we as a people depend on our devices to check the time and weather, to communicate with friends and business associates via telephone, text messaging, email, or social media; we access the internet, play video games, fiddle with endlessly available app after app, we check how far it is to the moon, we Google answers for our crossword puzzles, we follow our devices one metre or three feet at a time toward the red/green dot leading our GPS to the address we are searching for; we use our devices to book  a flight to Toronto, New York, Spain or Africa; we pay our bills and do our banking; we dance to YouTube, we watch movies, we watch television, we  listen to our ever-growing digital music libraries and among many, many more things, we use our devices to read a book.
ghosts of woodwards label About Phoenix Star is available for electronic use on Kindle and whichever e-book medium you prefer... But also in paperback for the people who, like myself, still enjoy the turning of a page: the portability of literature without a battery required, radiation, or the distractions from all those bleeping lights reminding us to check our email, text messages, voice mail, social media, etc, etc, etc...
With the quickly-changing and ever wanting something new, NOW! society we have become, a new format to enjoy storytellers’ crafts is in demand... READ MORE CLICK HERE

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